Aritificial Poetry
Don’t Want Last By Jack Easley and Apple predictive keyboard Gray and white- have been the most important part about this evening. You can do that and if we don’t Want you We can talk about it. I hope you have the same day as well. You Are so sweet to love You are the only thing you need help But thank the person For you. Gray and white- You can come And see. You arrived here for the last night Of your family planning. One of the most games I’ve had Is the game. If I had the time and inclination to write a computer program that generated poetry, I would probably follow the steps used by many literature-generation AIs. I would first create a framework with which the program could distinguish different word types (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) and process them. I would then feed the program as many poems I could get my hands on. This is somewhat how predictive keyboards work. The smarter ones take the words that...