
Showing posts from January, 2018

Just Not Box-able

I can’t fit this poem in this box By: Nina Galvez I have folded it, shaped it, even cut it. Yet I still can’t shut this box. I have tried square, triangle, even pentagonal boxes. And it wouldn’t fit into any of my pockets. I can’t fit this poem in this box. They told me, “Stop! Don’t hurt it, you are meant to learn it.” Nonsense I say, I’m only trying to condense the multi-meaning words. “But that is the point,” they say, “Don’t break it into thirds.” By putting this poem in a box, I will have encased it, displayed it for all to see. “Don’t you dare, you are taking from it all that it will be!” Wait, but what do you mean? “You can’t fit a poem into a box for it has more than one memo. So, stop trying to match it to one specific tempo!” I wrote this poem from the questioner point of view. Then tried to answer their question in my own interpretive way. My answer was trying to convey that you can’t fit a poem into a box because a box is v...